To: All members  17 June 2024

Business to be conducted will be:

The Company’s Thirteenth Annual General Meeting will be held at Soper Hall, Caterham, Surrey, on Friday 12 July 2024 commencing at 7.00pm. A “thank you” barbecue will be held from 5pm.

  • To receive the Accounts & Directors’ Report for the year 1 December 2022 to 30 November 2023
  • To receive the Chairman’s Report
  • To re-elect board members who, in accordance of the Articles of Association, Retire by Rotation and who have indicatedthat they are willing to stand for re-election. These are Andy Parr, Dave Knight and Martin Smith.
  • To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming year
  • To elect a Vice Chairman the forthcoming year
  • To determine the Membership Subscription

If you would like to nominate a Director for the Board of Directors please request Nomination of Director Form from Forms to be returned no later than 8th July 2024

If you are unable to attend the meeting and you would like to appoint a proxy to vote at the meeting please either (a) advise us by email, or (b) advise the Chairman at Soper Hall, no later than 8th July 2024

Soper Hall Community Centre Ltd.

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